Dexters Drinking and Dragons
Essentially there are going to be FIVE events throughout the year...with those wanting to take part paying £25 to book in for the WHOLE year...obviously if you know you can't make one event that's no problem...you can let Will know when you sign up and he can deduct that from your membership .
The dates are:
March 18th
May 13th
July 8th
September 9th
November 11th
All the proceeds from your signing up go to Will and his team of Soothsayers to cover their expenses, so you can get lost in the legend (and the beer) doing a very good thing.
To sign up pop us an email to info@dexterandjones.co.uk ....or give us a call on 01565 650055 and leave your number for Will to call you back. TBH can't help anymore that that...as still don't understand it at all...but people seem to be buzzing when they come...so if you're a fan of D&D and beer...#WeGotYou