No not what you're thinking....this one is all about "Dexter's Dogs"!!!
This year our charity calendar features just a few of the amazing dogs which bless our bar each day....and we were so inundated with worthy models we had to pick them out a hat! But fret not, a montage on the back page allows many more their moment of fame.
The calendar also features our own 2 reprobates on the cover, with a hidden homage to our beloved Rufus who left us this year at the grand old age of 19.
I actually rescued Rufus and his 5 sisters at the age of 3 weeks when I lived in New Zealand...weaning and raising the whole litter myself before finding homes for all the girls....keeping the rascal for myself.
Sure enough he became everything! My best friend, my saviour, my wingman when I first met Katy...and the beginning of our family. I will miss him every day...but it also taught me the importance of rescuing dogs.
We knew we wanted to do a dog calendar next, but with so many amazing animal charities out there we didn't know which one....then we met Teddy!
Teddy is our big bear of a dog for January. He was a rescue from Romania, where he lived a life of neglect, torture and torment. When we first met him he stood like a statue unable to accept love or understand what he even was....but then over the next year we saw him shine. We saw him understand cuddles, wagging of tales, and treats of ham from the shop across the road. We saw him understand joy, affection and love.
We knew we had found our charity!
SAVE A KILL SHELTER DOG are a tiny charity that work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate and remove kill shelter dogs across Europe. They give life and joy, where before there has only been pain and sadness.
In a heart breaking twist of fate Teddy suddenly died very recently. As much as it pains us to lose him, it only resolved our commitment to this charity. He only got that 1 year of love, cuddles and comfort...but imagine if he'd never had the chance to experience any?
Imagine if he'd been left as he was...beaten, his ear cut off, emaciated and neglected...until the day he died.
In pain. Alone. Unloved.
Buy this calendar...enjoy the lunacy of our, and our friends dogs...and know in doing so you are changing the lives of not just dog owners...but giving life to the most desperate for however long we can.